Crystal Mines Map Tiles
The Crystal Mine Map Tiles package has been designed to give Game Masters the ability to create caves and crystal mine adventure maps. The set expands our original Cave Map Tiles set with rubble wall overlay tiles and the all-new crystal wall overlay tiles. There are also railway tracks for mining carts to trundle along.
You fear to go into those Crystal Mines, the Gnomes delved too deep and greedily. You know what they awoke in the dark. Glitter, and sparkles!
What is a Map Tile?
Our map tiles depict an area of terrain, such as the floor of a cave, an area of grass, or where the floor meets a wall. The map tiles are provided as ready-made art elements that can be pieced together on a digital canvas to form an adventure map that players can explore.
All Studio WyldFurr map tiles have a unique “look & feel” as each map tile is a combination of photographic source material combined with hand-drawn artwork.
Map Tile Scale
The Studio WyldFurr range of digital role-playing tokens and map tiles all use a standard scale of 1 inch to 3 pixels, for a standard grid square of 180 pixels. Thus each map tile is a depiction of a 5ft square of terrain.
How to use the Map Tiles?
The map tiles have been made as a kind of ready-made art pack that you can simply just “drag-n-drop” onto a digital art canvas to build an adventure map. To do this all you need is a graphics editing program such as Photoshop, Gimp, or a virtual tabletop application such as Fantasy Grounds, Roll20, d20Pro, or Foundry VTT.
We have a group of tutorials about building your own maps in Gimp, Photoshop, Affinity Photo, or Clip Studio. While our YouTube Channel has playlists with live stream videos that walk you through using Map Tiles in Fantasy Grounds.
A zip file containing JPG and PNG art assets for creating virtual tabletop adventure maps.